In laws anniversary

This is probably a strange post, but its been 12 weeks since I lost my husband and its his parents wedding anniversary today.

I’ve bought them a card, gave them money, but I wasn’t sure whether to get mam and dad on the card, but I thought it might rub salt in the wound, so ended up getting them a “Congratulations on your anniversary, here’s to both of you” card. They are really struggling at the minute so thought it wasn’t the best to get mam and dad, but now worrying that I’ve done the wrong thing.

Has anyone else had experience with this at all, just feel like it might be a bit of a minefield?

Thanks x

Shells dad past away a few months, after she went, her step mum had recently split , so no issues about cards, Shells mum got diagnosed with brain aneurysm, so all in all 2020, was a rough year… it was just a nightmare really. Take care all.x

Aww sorry, my winge seems so insignificant to your problems. Think i’m just worrying about his parents etc.

Take care. x

It’s not a winge, I am okay, 4 year old granddaughter, stopped overnight, so she is my focus.keeps me on my toes. Take care.