In person support groups

Does anyone know if there are any in-person bereavement support groups around Manchester? I searched on the website but it didn’t bring up any results for Manchester, which I thought was strange as it’s a major city. Maybe I did it wrong

Hello @Bob80,

Thank you for reaching out. I’m so sorry for the loss of your brother.

Our Grief Kind spaces are only in areas where have hospices for the moment.

If you’re not in an area with a Grief Kind space, you might want to check out the AtALoss website. It is a directory of bereavement support, including support groups. If you click this link then select your region, you can see what bereavement support is available in your area. I’ve had a look and there does seem to be some in Manchester.

Your council’s website should also have information on local bereavement support. If you search for “your council name + bereavement”, you can find your council bereavement support page.

I hope this is helpful - take good care,
