
Has anybody been through inquest?
We have the court hearing Tuesday and I feel sick just thinking about it
My partners death was very traumatic as I was the only one to find him and be there and just the thought of living through it all again when I hear it at court breaks my heart. X

Hello @Nlhx96,

Iā€™m so sorry for the loss of your partner. Thank you for sharing this with us. Iā€™m just giving your thread a gentle, ā€œbumpā€ for you - hopefully someone will have some thoughts to share.

Take good care,

Hi, I had my sonā€™s inquest in September. I hope you have received the bundle from the coronerā€™s office prior to the inquest. I also had a support worker in place who sat with us from the time we got there, in the inquest and when we came out. He was so helpful and put us at ease. I found reading the bundle extremely hard and researched so much on the post mortem which I found helped me. Just remember you have been through a lot worse is how I try to look on things.

Also forgot to add I was the one who found my son, CPR until medics arrived. It was all in my report prior to the inquest.

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Thank you. Honestly it was the worst and I donā€™t even know how I feel now itā€™s ā€˜overā€™

Yeah thatā€™s the same for me. I did cpr for 13 minutes. Everything was included in the report

Yep the inquest re lives the nightmare. I havenā€™t found any closure yet, the only thing I did was cry my eyes out when I got home and out the paperwork away. Day by day is all we can do. I suffer with really bad flashbacks. Take care, big hug x

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