Insensitive Remarks !

I have just walked to the post office to post a small amount of my husband’s ashes that I am having made into a charm for bracket , I was already in my head rehearsing what I was going to say when they asked me the “parcel contents “
On route two blokes who run a local coffee shop said “Morning “ to me ,
So I said Morning back “
Then I heard one say “she is probably in Mourning dressed in black going to a funeral “!!
I stopped ……… I thought should I drag my dead husbands ashes out of the bag ,or show them my husbands wedding ring around my neck !
I just carried on walking and thought “pair of twats” I know people don’t know when they say remarks , but of all the “Mornings “ when I am posting ashes !!


That’s a “bracelet” I am having the charm for NOT a bracket!! guess I am the “twat” now!

If it happened to me, I would do one of two things.

Either just stop and quietly tell them what you were actually doing, leave them to go on feeling like twats, or
Just let it go.
Either way, you aren’t being hurt, and thats the best outcome.

I had some therapy about churning up my thoughts from the past, and the therapist told me something I’ve never forgotten:

" Just because someone hits you over the head with a shitty stick, why would you pick up the stick and keep hitting yourself over your head as well."


I have never heard that saying before tykey but its the truth. People dont think before saying things. Hugs Jo xx