
Hi my name is tony, i lost my wife in September 2022, she died of lung cancer, she was 52 years old, i did have some counselling not long after she passed away, but have been struggling recently, just emotional and a bit scatty. We have had some upset in our famlly and im wondering if that has triggered my grief, my brother had a breakdown and attempted suicide, nearly died. Im just wanting to know if there are any groups i could join, preferably face to face, but if not then a group like yours.

Thank you

Anthony Banks


Hi Tony, very sorry to hear of your loss. My partner passed away 5 months ago from the same condition. I’ve learnt that grief is a very individual thing, affecting everyone differently and there doesn’t seem to be any time limit as it can resurface some time after you think you’ve worked through it. There is a group that runs Zoom meetings twice weekly on Tuedays and Fridays at 8pm (run by forum members not Sue Ryder itself) that have been going for a few months now and people have found them helpful. If you think that might be something that would help you just pm myself or @KarenF and we can add you to the pm where the zoom links are posted. I’m not sure if there are any other groups within these forums but the support we give each other really helpful. Best wishes

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Thanks for the information, i have messaged Karen.

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