Is it grief

Before my husband passed i got a few colds but nothing major, it might have been because i was caring for him?
Since the end of october i have had 2 chest infections that ive needed antibiotics, ive been back to the doctor today because i didnt feel great, i was told im ok infection has gone and my health anxiety is through the roof, got told off for going to dr google im just sick of being sick was told its not grief, im on the waiting list for counselling but how long that will be who knows i just need to talk and eyes roll if i go to doctors. Sorry for the rant no were else to turn.

Hi @Sd76 . Sorry to hear that you arent feeling well. Whilst in principle I never think its worthwhile asking Dr Google for a diagnosis (,but I do it as well on occasion). However, the internet has a large number of articles which explain how stress weakens the immune system. Have a google for “stress illness” .
So your illnesses might be real, but that leaves you to manage, or eliminate, your stress. Thats not easy when we are struggling with bereavement, but it’s possible.
One step at a time though. Maybe ask that question in a while.
Good luck!


I can relate to what you’re saying about illness, since my husband died I seem to have had my fair share of chest infections lasting longer than normal up to 10 weeks at a time I’m sure it’s the grieving, our body’s are in a state of shock and can’t fight anymore your lucky to get to see a doctor by the time I manage to see one my chest infection had turn to pneumonia very scary, look after yourself as best you can, doctors don’t know everything unless they have lost someone close they have never experienced grief and grief in a way is an illness that takes your body time to come to terms with x