Is It my Age?

I’ve been a member of this group since early last year after losing someone I loved very much. Since he died, 3 of our friends have died. One only a few weeks ago. I have struggled so much losing the love of my life and now it seems that people of my age group (I’m early 60s) seem to be dying more and more frequently. I’m having a bad day today and feeling like my peers, school friends and acquaintances are all leaving one by one, leaving me behind. I know that I’m of the generation that grew up in smoky pubs, bars and venues and where the drinking culture was the norm. It just seems to have hit me today that I’m now what is referred to as the ‘Older Generation’ and it hurts. In my mind, I’m a child of the 60s, and I still feel like a teenager in my mind. I still see these people as young, vibrant and fun. I shouldn’t be watching them die. I’ve just thought to myself that this is it now. This is the start of seeing all my school-friends and those I had a mad time with in the 70s and 80s, leave us. And it’s like a slap in the face. In theory I could have another 30 years ahead of me, and be the granny in the corner being looked after by my kids and grandchildren - when in my head, I’m still that teenager wearing denim and platforms and dancing to Wham…


I’ve had these same thoughts, every time I lose a friend or friends lose a parent or a sibling.
I’m 59, my partner was 2 years younger.
We never felt old, and certainly never acted our age…
In my head, I’m still in my 30’s
And so it shall remain… and on the days when you feel you can…put on the denim, pour a drink or two, turn the music up to 11 and dance, because if we’ve learnt anything, it’s that life is short…and the unexpected happens!

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my mind tells me i am 20, my body etc says "you are having a “blank” laugh. i started a list 20 yrs ago when someone died, in that 20 yrs about 70 people that i knew or were friends have gone including hubby 2 yrs ago. i am immune to it now. when i hear someone has died its a case of oh well another one and it goes down on my list.
when i found i had back and neck problems a few yrs ago, i stopped listening to music and dancing as it was so frustratinbg that i couldnt after a lifetime of dancing

Yes it hits me hard
As they drop like nine pins in a row.

Maybe you lucky regarding friends but obviously not loss, but it happens and we have to deal with that. No one lives forever, be nice if that was the case. I think we need to think about death more and approaching it and dealing with it. As not feeling your age, hmmm you are as old as you feel. It’s society that makes you sad, depressed. I’m sorry for your losses

@Keith68 thing is i have no friends now and at 70 not likely to make any. society doesnt make me sad etc just makes me annoyed at the wimps we have produced lately who get offended at everything lol. thing is death is still a taboo subject and it shouldnt be in the 21st century, its the one thing you can guarantee like it or not. a lot of adverts now are trying to get people to talk about it and arranging their own funerals which is good.

Yea well I got to face it, I remember the words from my mum’s funeral. It depends how you look at it, I want to believe there’s somewhere better then here and that I see mum again. Age doesn’t mean a lot unless we talking attraction or friendship. When you think about it there’s not much that means anything today. Part of me thought mum was lucky to escape when she passed. It is society that causes the problems we face physically and mentally. I’m 56 and lost mum August last year and was diagnosed with Myeloma cancer in June and more or less am dealing with it on my own. Only thing I can do under the circumstances.

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@Keith68 sorry to hear about your cancer, hope all goes well. i think social media is the cause of most problems in society nowadays, only been happening the last few yrs. as for the other, i am fine and happy with what people believe, i dont, heaven would be full of trilions of people over the last few million yrs if it were true. i think you make friends easily when you are young as for attraction, not interested in anyone for that side of it couldnt be bothered tbh lol

I think we all looking for something better then what we currently have in life. So much has changed that I think none of us are totally free no more. Today’s world just wants to keep on piling the pressure to we crack.

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