Is it strange

It’s been 15 months now
And for some reason I’m getting really angry that I lost Libby .
Is this normal…some people I would actually like to smash there face in when I see them .


Hi fred123
I’m very sorry for your loss . I don’t think there is any normal to any of this nightmare we all feel things differently. It has just turned 12 months for me since I lost my partner and I still feel like it was yesterday how can it possibly be a year we never went 10 minutes without contact it’s so hard to believe. I still think he’s going to walk through the door . I don’t blame you for being angry I am too especially when you see others together .
You take care of yourself
Sending hugs to you


Hi Fred, it’s right that’s there no right or wrong when it comes to grieving p, it knows no boundaries or time, sometimes it’s hits us all over again like a stream train. All I can say is there’s always another day and we are hoping that it will be better for you. Grief is testing you and you have to beat it and show it who’s boss. Stay strong and think what Libby would want you to do and be like, she loved you for who you are not what grief wants you to be like. Sending blessings and peace. S xx


Hi Fred
Sorry for you loss I don’t think it’s strange that you feel angry it’s been nearly 12 months since I lost my husband suddenly and it was through fault of the hospital so that double to come to terms with so I am very angry and yes I get angry with people they don’t have a clue what we are going through and say things that I really don’t want to here so what you are feeling is natural I feel take care



I don’t feel angry, I just feel so, so tired. Ian passed away last June and I still can’t accept what happened.
Emotionally, I have nothing more to give to anyone as I feel completely drained. I’m probably not explaining it very well but I am just on auto pilot and have been since our life together was shattered.

As you have all said, unless this has happened to you, one can have no idea how we all feel.


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So sorry julie I understand so well about being in auto pilot I find myself plodding along each day I relive the past year worse of my life loosing my husband you must be doing the same as you are approaching the year also when our life changed not sure how I have come this far I do have support of family they tell me I have no choice I guess not so tick along I’m so broken inside like most on here don’t want to give my family more heartache so trying to tick along so many sad broken people going through the same
Take care xx

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