Is this real?

I lost my husband on the 11th of November ( Remembrance Day, as if I could forget ). I’ve been reading a lot of posts, found them so sad and then I realised I am in the same position myself. What I am reading is happening to me too. I still can’t believe this is real, that I’m not in a dream and will wake up. I cannot imagine spending the rest of my life without him beside me, it doesn’t seem possible after 47 years. I just can’t get my head round this.


Hello, I am so sorry that you have lost your husband and are in the spiral of grief. That feeling of realisation just keeps coming in waves of shock and disbelief and you hope to wake and find it was a bad dream but sadly it isn’t. my husband passed in June and I still get those dreadful emotions the only thing I can say is keep talking about how you feel as although it feels like the end of the world sharing your grief does help you get through


I lost my husband Aug 40th such a shock one I don’t feel I’ll ever get over. It seems unreal sometimes at others it feels it just happened.
I’m trying every day just to breathe and go with the flow of how I feel and what happens during the day.
Some days are better than others but I never thought I would be spending my old age without him. Martyn was 64 as I’m I and we had many more years ahead or so we thought.
Sending a hug and hoping we all have more good days than bad


Sending love @kate13 .
Like many of us, I never anticipated being left on my own so suddenly. We wanted to grow old together too but it was not to be. I also know, however, that my darling husband would not have liked his life to be as restricted as it would have been had he been resuscitated from his heart attack. He was always the strong one who could do anything.

I hope you can find peace and a new way forwards. xxx