Maria was my beautiful wifes name and we met at school both just 14 and we just fell in love on her 18th birthday we got married. We had 2 great kids within 4 years. I didn’t have a good childhood and was a angry kid fighting and bother with the law , and it carried on till my mid 20’s. She stuck by me and made me a calmer better man because how much she loved me. We did everything together as she did not want any friends as she would say to me ( your the only friend i need ). I was so protective of her like my princess and loved looking after her. She loved to hold hands when out or stick her hand in my coat pocket. We where together 43 year then mid December her died suddenly and now i feel angry again and so sad. Im in tears all the time i find it hard to talk to anyone. If i didn’t have my 2 kid i would end my pain but i do and i won’t do that to them. Maria believed in heaven and i never have but i hope i am wrong for her. People say it gets easier with time it will not as i will never kiss her lips hear her voice get a cuddle and tell me how much she loves me. I will miss her more every day till the day i die.
I know you feel like your world has ended with this loss but wow you sound like you two just fitted together and what a love story.
I too was angry at the world, well at everyone and everything but those feelings will subside slowly.
Im seven months on after losing Allan after 34 years together, I keep a journal when i want to rage at the injustice of my loss, at cancer etc- it helps me as does posting amongst people who share this journey of grief.
We are all here for you.
I write things down as well.
Better than going on too much about it to people who might say the wrong thing.
Recently someone else died and I hated hearing I shouldn’t feel like I did when I shared it
Hi, sorry for your loss I know exactly how you feel I lost my husband 3 weeks ago, and people say it will get easier but I’m like how I’m never going to have him holding me, telling me everything will be fine and to talk to and all the plans we had to do together. It’s all gone.
Luckily have our daughter but she has her own life to get on with and feel like I’m holding her back plus she’s grieving too but we both know that wasn’t what my hubby / her dad would have wanted, wouldn’t want her putting her life on hold for too long and I don’t want that either but at the same time I’m grateful for the company and that we are there for each other. But the loneliness what you feel inside and the pain is sooo awful.
Least here we have people who knows how you feel and going through it aswel even through it’s very hard and we all wish we wasn’t and that we still had our loved one
Im so sorry for your loss, its been 9 weeks since I lost my beloved husband to cancer, im struggling without him everyday and miss him
I am sorry for your loss to but also wish it never happened to you because the pain you feel is horrific. But i am so grateful for her love and the chance to love her back. Thank you and hope you are right about it getting easier. Thank you
Im so sorry for your loss, i lost my beloved husband on 23rd November 2024 to cancer (he was 50). We had just celebrated our 22 wedding anniversary on 19th October.
Its been 12 weeks since he passed away and the pain is still unbearable, i miss him everyday.