The truth is we all need to move on and do something with our lives. The truth is in today’s world that is so hard to do, practically impossible and that’s due to the internet. You probably got a better chance stepping off a plane in a strange country and mixing and meeting people from the internet. People have more chances to communicate then ever. But the Internet has changed people for the worse. There’s a interview with David Bowie from the 90s where he talking about the internet and it’s impact on the human race. I think he referred to the internet as the alien from Mars. I think he had a point, we gone backwards now. Just think of barn dances, some one would grab and drag you on the dancefloor. You socialized, met new people, had fun and was happy for the experience. All gone, destroyed for ever. I would say we are heading for ruin. So I don’t see much hope for us or anyone, I hope I’m wrong!
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Hi @Keith68 ,
I’m sure someone will be along to share their thoughts, but I just wanted to say thank you for so bravely sharing this with us. Keep reaching out,