It’s a month today since my fiancé passed

My fiancé of 14 years passed away on the19th feb this year, he was taken so quick after a short illness, my heart is breaking each day gets harder to cope he was my world, my soulmate :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart: you look for small blessings in amongst all the pain (I.e we were there when he passed, he’s at peace now etc etc) but it doesn’t even begin to chip away at the pain. I know it’s really early still but it’s so difficult to imagine my life without him. We seen each other every day in life. And now all I have is his resting place to bring some comfort. It’s like life took us up into a tornado and dumped us into this whole new unfamiliar world to get on with.

I’ve never used any forums like this before but my daughter thought it would be less lonely to speak to people who have experienced the same.

Dear Angela

Welcome to the Community. I am sorry for your loss.

This forum has incredible support from everybody and you have come to the right place for it. In the search bar if you type Loss of a partner this will connect you with members who have experienced what you are going through. You are not alone and chatting with them will be of support to you.

Have you considered booking an appointment with your GP who can refer you for Counselling and to see if there are any local bereavement support groups in your area?

Here at Sue Ryder on the website there is bereavement information and support pages which you may find of help.

At the moment you may feel alone but you are not, we are all here to support you. Please continue to reach out and if you need further information, please email

Take care of yourself.


Hello Angela,

I am so glad you posted here. We all understand where you are and how you feel. We have all been there and many of us feel the same way. If you dip into some of the conversations, you will see. I am so sorry he has gone and so fast. That is hard, really hard. You have come a long way already and there is a long road ahead. I know, because I am here on it with you. My husband died in January after a gruelling experience of cancer. I talk to him all the time and miss him so much. The life we planned, the fun we had, the familiarity- all gone. But not my love for him. That remains. You will survive these tough days, Angela. So take a breath. Think what his advice would be. We are all here for you.