It’s a worry

I’m 58 years old. I lost my husband last year. We were married for 18 years.

There is a good chance I will be his widow longer then I was his wife.
I am so scared and worried that I will forget him as the years roll on :broken_heart:


Hi Dee64, you will never forget him, he will always be in your heart.
My sister in law lost her husband 36 years ago, she tells me, she still misses her husband and has moments of sadness.
Debbie X


Hi Dee, Hi Debbie, I have this fear that as time passes by, my beautiful husband will be forgotten by others, they will stop mentioning him, stop asking, as if he never existed. I hate this feeling I have, I want his memory to remain fresh like it’s just happened, because I still remain ‘lost in time’,for me he’s still here and always will be.


Have pictures in the main rooms. & I speak to him as I pass by.

Also I have a framed picture of hubby & granddaughters prominently placed so it can’t be missed - & it also reminds the girls that’s grandad , he’s just not here at the moment.
When you think of someone , they are never forgotten.

G. X


Hi Solost, I have a friend at work whose husband died over 20 years now and we often have a conversation about him.
As long as we keep taking about them others will too.
I still talk about my mum and dad to our children and grandchildren, mum died in 2000 my dad in 2002. They love hearing stories especially about my mum who was in service, like in Downton Abbey. X



I felt the same & it became a real worry for me, I bought a big album, got all the photos together & put them in there based on events, I then wrote next to each photo where we were, when it was & all I can remember of the occasion including any funny little stories.

I felt much better once I’d done it, it will be a prompt to my memory in the future years, especially in 10-20 years.


Hello,sorry for your loss……Yes it’s a struggle,a mammoth struggle just to get through one day.I lost my wife in may this year,we had been together 28 years,did everything together……she was only 57,and I’m only 52……I feel and understand what you’re going through………I nursed her in house last 10 days and we had some wonderful chats.we never had children,and she was so concerned how I’m going to manage without her…….told me to get a dog,to get up in the morning,and to get out and walk,sell the house get a bungalow ……we really had fabulous chats………I see you have a cockerpoo.,that’s the dog my wife said to get,can I ask what are they like??,are they big,don’t think I’d want a large dog……

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Photos hold such precious memories and stories to share especially for those too young to know them in years to come. We prepared a photo Album for my partners wake in March of this year. One thing he loved to do was draw and colour so on the tables we put out postcards and his pencils and asked people to write a memory of Andy or just draw a picture for him and we read them out at the wake then added them to the photo album. It really seemed to help people remember the good times and all his funny little quirks.

Take care and find what ever way you can to remember your loved ones



They are a lovely breed. Very needy in the fact that they want constant cuddles…… but that’s ok by me. There are quite few cockerpoos in our walking group and they all have different personalities.
My dog, Molly is quite gentle…… and spoilt.

An added expense is they need to be groomed as they don’t moult. A nice size breed as well.

And yes they certainly do get you out of the house.

Take care

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I struggle to look at photos of my husband at the moment …… he looked so well and happy …… it makes it harder to understand why this is the future


I’m so relieved to hear others are afraid of their husbands being forgotten. I bring H up in the conversation all the time. He is still here in my heart nothing has changed for me just because I cannot see him. It is natural to talk about him every day and think about him. He is I still in my life and always will be He will never be forgotten because I love him x


Hi Dee, I lost my wife 9 years ago in September and not a day has gone by without me thinking about her. In the early days I also worried that I may forget her. I speak her name often and even now wish that she was here. I have built a new life, a completely different life to the one I shared with Joyce, though I so wish I could still share my life with her.

It does make me sad that others seem to have forgotten Joyce, rarely speak of her and, other than perhaps a couple of times a year (never guaranteed), maybe flowers by the graveside, usually one set when there could, or should, be more. This upsets me more when special days are not remembered by the family but I suppose we all remember in different ways.

So no need to worry Dee, you will remember your husband for as long as there are stars in the sky and the oceans reach the shore.

Best wishes


You will never EVER forget your husband , your memories will live with you in your heart for the rest of your life
it will be 4 years for me in August , not a day goes by without me thinking of him
Sending you much love


dear Dee, my wife Susan died in 2003 also aged 58. We had been married for 36 years marrying young in 1966. I have been without Susan now for 19 years, and still think about her every minute of every day. For the first few years I tried to dream about her but couldn’t. Then a change happened and now I dream of her every night. You always go back to the good times and good memories