It’s My Mothers Funeral Tomorrow

It’s my Mothers Funeral Tomorrow…14th May.
I just hope I can hold it together, also I will be ready a short eulogy with my Niece…My Mums Granddaughter, just hope I don’t break down.
Best wishes to everyone here in this community.

i’m so sorry for your loss and best wishes tomorrow. hugs

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Thank you :pray::pray:

Chris ,
I will be thinking of you and praying you have the strength to get through the day.

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Best wishes for you tomorrow, it’s my mum’s funeral in about 3 weeks and I’m not prepared to say goodbye for the final time! It’s leaving me with a lot of sadness and anxiety as my mum was my best friend!

You will be amazing I’m sure take care


We all gave my Beautiful Mum a lovely send off today, hopefully she would have been proud of us all….it gave me great comfort to see all the people that came to show their respect to her and the rest of the family.
I also read a small speech at the church with my niece…my Mums granddaughter…nearly broke down a couple of times but managed to hold it together.
Still can’t believe she’s gone, and I’m not going to see her again in this physical world…but I know I will be with her again.
Thank you so much to everyone who left messages……God bless you all, and hope you can all find some peace.
Chris :pray::pray::pray::heart::heart:


No words except to say I am thinking of you Chris
Deborah x

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Hope the day went well and you were able to mark the occasion as you wished.

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we gave her a nice send off…i hope she will be proud.
Thank you.

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