I went to see the new Bridget Jones movie ‘Mad about the boy’. I knew I’d find it sad and emotional as Bridget is trying to move forward with her life after the death of her husband. (For balance I also knew it would make me laugh and smile).
In a very moving scene where she remembers some of her final moments with her father, he gives her some advice…… It’s not enough to survive, you’ve got to live! I really feel these wise words can help me moving forward and hopefully can help you too.
Hello I read what you put. You’re so right. Surviving is not living. I’m trying so hard. Today hasn’t been such a good day. Yesterday wasn’t bad. It’s this up and down that’s the hardest. Just live in hope tomorrow is another day. Xx
It’s so hard isn’t it?!!! You’ll get there, we all will, take care xx
Thank you. It is hard. I keep telling myself what my hubby wanted to do. Live my life for him as well as myself. Sometimes your mind plays tricks on you. It joins hands with grief and dances. It’s the worst part. Like I said today has not been good. Hopefully like they say tomorrow is another day. But truth be known I look back to 6 weeks ago and to now. There is a difference. Not massive but there. That I will try to build on. Xx
Yes I want to see the new Bridget Jones film but haven’t figured out where it is round here yet.
Not sure yet. Haven’t been to cinema since before he died but used to go in my own anyway as he didn’t like doing that but he used to drop me off and pick me up afterwards whereas now all the problems getting there alone