It’s so hard

I lost my soul mate in July he went to work in the morning then had an accident on his way home he was in a coma for a week and I’ve never prayed so hard for him to recover sadly life support was turned off . We had been together for 11yrs but first meet when we were at school . I got on and got everything arranged for his send off but since then I feel my life has come to an end. I turned 50 in September and feel my reason for living has gone. I get up and go to work because I have to to pay the rent if I’m at home I stay in bed can’t be bothered to do house work or sit in the living room on my own feel so lonely without him with me I’m hoping that the day will come when I don’t cry


Dear Cheryl16

I am so sorry that you find yourself on this same painful journey. I lost my husband in a motorbike accident just over a year ago. I recall sitting in the back of the police car praying that he had survived the accident but arrived at the hospital too late. I could not face going back to work so retired and my work’s pension just covers my monthly expenses. Not the retirement we had planned and discussed during the first lock-down.

I have to be honest I still cry every day. Not all day, every day although some days are tougher than others. Like yourself I just stay in bed when I am not helping to look after the grandson’s.

There is a charity called Brake. They were some support but I have also had counselling.

I hope that you have friends/family that will continue to support you. This forum is very supportive so keep posting.


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