It will be 2yrs tomorrow 12/7/2019

Dear all,
Tomorrow at 2-45pm I watched my dear sweetheart take her last breath just after telling her I loved her and she was the best wife a man could ever have. The kids loved her also. She was the best mum they could ever have had." My Anne passed over with a smile on her sweet face. I cant believe this was nearly 2yrs ago.

What have I been doing for 2yrs? Well just surviving really. The intense heart breaking grief has subsided. All the guilt and passed regrets gone. Yes I do cry from time to time as something triggers old memories. I once attempted suicide but it failed. And now I’m glad it did. I live on in a different life. Snatching moments of happiness when its presented. Going through life surviving as nature intended. The rawness of my loss has gone. I’ve just cried it all out. Ànd so where do I go next?


Hi James 16 months for me it is heartbreaking I cry every day but now functioning I got to a very low point 10 months into grief thinking what have we got to live for my son was really worried and got me help I am glad I accepted it. I miss my husband so much but have my family and granddaughter so my life goes on like you living each day
Take care x


Your children and family are a blessing. Some have neither especially for support. Thank goodness for your son. Sometimes others see pain we choose to deny


@James71 hi James I am so very sorry for your loss my thoughts are with you for tomorrow I’m just over 3 months since i lost pauline stay safe and take care

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@Kim5 hi Kim I am so very sorry for your loss I’m glad you have your son for support stay safe take care

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Dear James71

There are no words that I can say to heal your pain and heartbreak.

I do understand your feelings though. I am two months off the first anniversary. I survive each day as best I can, failing miserably on occasions. I cannot see it getting any better, not without the person I have loved for over 42 years, but for our kids I will continue on.

I will be thinking of you throughout the day. Take care.


Hi James71

I think it’s just a case of trying to live the best life you can now without Anne.
I’m so pleased that you have turned a corner.

Cheryl x


Just read your bio and so sorry for the sudden death of your mother. Having lost my mother I too can relate. I hope being on here helps a little

James x

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Thanks James73

Sue ryder has been a fantastic support network and I am in touch with a lovely group who all lost a parent suddenly between 18 months and 2 years ago.

Its life changing thats for sure. Sorry for your losses.



Thank you for your kind and comforting words x

That is a very good question! I am thinking the same thing just over a year since my beloved husband died quite suddenly. I get on with my life, see family, do a hobby or two but it still seems like I am waiting for something. I don’t know what! It is a bit worrying to me that you still feel like you do after two years, and I hope that changes soon.
(I wrote this in answer to your original message, in which you asked where you go from here, so it’s bit out of context. Sorry)
Best, AnnR


Hi James it’s been two years today for me 13 July 2019 10pm I to don’t no where the time has gone it’s like we have been num just frozen in that one moment two years ago. Time has passed but somehow it hasn’t we do the things we have to we go on just being the Hart has gone out of ower life I no we must go on. I like so many of us don’t know were we are going to or how to get there. Take care I am sorry we are all xx

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Thinking of you James in this really difficult times, it would of been our wedding anniversary on Friday, sending hugs to you xx

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Hi James71,
Man your post has just had me in floods…
I’m new on here but if you ever need a chat bro…pm me…Anytime.
Anytime bro


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Dear James
I am thinking of you at the time of your wife’s anniversary - sending prayers and good vibes. I wish and hope you can find peace happiness again. Today is the anniversary of my first husband’s death 27 years ago. I remarried but now I mourn my second husband’s death 8 months ago. This second time around seems worse, but i am still hopeful that some day I shall make new friends and have new horizons. Both my husbands were loving wonderful people and I hope and pray that they are with God now.
Bobmajor aka Tricia