It will be my birthday next Sunday and i feel so lonely

It will be my birthday next Sunday, and feel so lonely without my mum.It makes it worse as my birthday falls on a Sunday, and in 2020 i witnessed seeing my mum dying in front of me and it was on a Sunday.

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I can totally relate. Birthdays are so hard. It was my birthday 13 days after my father died last year and I postponed my birthday with 6 months. It is coming up to my birthday again and again I have decided to postpone it with 6 months as it is too soon. I feel no reason to celebrate anything on my actual birthday.

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I don,t think i can celebrate my birthday. None of my remaining family send me a card or wish me a Happy Birthday.

I got through by ignoring it all day except when a friend insisted I go for a coffee. Dates are just human constructs, we’re governed by rules we make so we can break them. I am still traumatised by watching my Mum die. You’d be strange if you weren’t. Your reaction makes sense to me. Maybe do something you find comforting or distracting like eating the wrong food or spend some money just to boost your mood. I’m sending a virtual hug because it’s rotten. But it will be over and you have a whole year not to think about it again. :smiling_face_with_tear:


Hi Janice, I just noticed,
Happy Birthday Janice!

I get birthday card from my Aunty in oz, even though wrong month. It will be hard my birthday when it does arrive without mum. Even though the last years I was having to buy my own card and put mum in the card. It’s still upsetting to even think about it. I appreciate letters from my Aunty but Australia is a long way away from the UK. When she passes I doubt I get any contact.

I really hated today as it was my bidthday. I got no birthday card and i feel so lonely. My mum always gotme a card. And as my birthday fell on a Sunday Sunday 2020 was when my mum died in front of me

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Hi janice,

I read your post and was thinking, sorry if this sounds really daft and rude, and i don,t think it make much difference as i know how i feel and everyone here on this website chat forum.
What if you had your birthday, (unofficial) maybe a few days , or a week later that was not a Sunday.

Im sorry today was so tough for you. My birthday is coming up in a few weeks and it hit me recently how I’ll never receive another “daughter” card ever again :sleepy: I always used to take time off work to spend my birthday with mum as there was nowhere else Id rather be, so at the moment my plan is to turn my phone off that day, and spend time thinking about mum, then if i get any cards/gifts they can wait till the next day.