It will never get any better

21 months today that my wife passed. And it’s just not getting any easier to be without her.
This past couple of weeks I have found myself getting so angry. Is it normal to be so angry.


Fred, I’m so sorry for you. Sorry too that it’s getting no better. It’s six months for me. What do you miss most? For me, it’s a hug to make everything better; I can have all the hugs I want from my children and friends, but it’s not the same.
I think it’s normal to be angry. Also upset and devastated and heartbroken. Try to stay strong.

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I am 16 months in to my grief cycle. Some days I am fine, other days not so good. The nights are the worst for me. I am finding the second year more difficult than the first even though I have two beautiful dogs who love me unconditionally. They say it gets easier with time. But does it really?


I agree with Lonely,

I don’t want to “get over it” - I’ve reluctantly learned to live with it but only I can make things easier for myself.
It’s not an illness that will get “better”.

Accepting that different emotions surface at any time - any where - I’m only human but I’m working thru the best I can.

G. X


I miss everything …she was not only a wife and mother .she was my everything .
My best friend .our Doctor she new how to fix everything. Our dairy keeper she remembered everything. Our book keeper .our councillors. Our cook .our travel agent. Our account keeper .
There was nothing she did not do. But most of all she was the one who loved us so much and kept us on the right path . I will miss her forever till the day I die.


Sorry but I find this reply hurtful
No were did I say I wanted to get over it .
I said it was not getting any better. Please think before you type .I met my wife when we were 18 and we wer together over 40 years .I will never get over it .
some days I would just like the pain not to be so bad .

In what way is my reply any more hurtful than the others?

I’m speaking for myself and how I’m working thru things.

.I’m trying to be positive & realistic.


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Have I offended anyone else?


Grandma. I don’t understand how your reply could hurt anyone
I think people see things differently and to some the grief is rawer than others. You certainly didn’t say anything to hurt or offend anyone so please don’t think you did.


Hi there Grandma
I have read your reply through a few times and I certainly can’t see anything hurtful. Fact… I feel the same as you. I will never forget but trying to get through it as best I can.

Unfortunately on the forum people can be hurting so much that they don’t think or see things clearly.



Hi Fred
I think anger is part of the process of grief. Its seems so unfair that we love someone so much and then robbed of them and our ‘reward’ is to be sent into our own private hell.
Is there someone you can talk through your anger with. It might help.
On this forum we all understand that is why we are here.

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Yes Fred anger is normal, and everyone grieves differently. I suggest you talk to your reverend or a grief counselor. It will never get any easier but you will learn to cope with your loss. It has been 2 1/2 years since I lost my high school sweetheart and bride of 54 years. I think of her every day and still occasionally shed a tear. Good Luck.

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Well it hurt me because I took that she was implying that I wanted to get over it which is not what my post was about .and I don’t need people to try and tell me what offends me or not .

I so sympathise with you. It’s been 27 months for me since my husband died suddenly. I feel the same as you do. It’s getting worse not better and my life isn’t worth living.


I feel the same. It’s nearly 17 months for me now. We were told a year and seven weeks later he was gone. I’m all alone with family and friends far away. I’ve tried to build a ‘new’ life but it is so difficult to make new friends and start again. We were together for nearly 40 years, he was my best friend and my life is nothing without him.
I don’t know what to do or where to turn anymore.
All I do is get through each day ………

Take care x


Hello Trixie . Its the same for me although i lost my mum . I am alone most of the time and struggling to get through each day . I really don’t know what to do anymore . Thinking of you.
Love Angie xx

Hi Trixie, I lost my lovely Anne 12 weeks ago,I hate being in our empty house,missing her so much,it may sound a bit sad,but I decided to book a 5 day coach break just to get out of the house,it may help it may not help, I just need to be around people,we were together for 52 lovely years,I was so blessed to have had Anne she is the nicest person I have ever known .

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Hi Trixie, if you read my story you’ll understand when I say I’m losing the will to go on. This is just awful. :cry::broken_heart: Why are people so heartless when you need them most.

I lost my husband sole mate best friend in 2019 I think it gets worse also lost my mam last year mother-in-law last month and sister-in-law this month im struggling with grief and loneliness missing my husband and mam so much

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