Its 9 months

Its 9 months today since I lost you my darling pauline. Everyday feels like it drags by, yet 9 months has gone by already. I feel like I’m getting worse, I miss you so much. The emptiness and feeling lost doesn’t go away and the heartbreak and the pain is relentless. I keep going for you and our babies,but truth be told I don’t want this life not without you. You are my everything,I love you with all my heart and soul. My every thought is of you and the life and love we shared. It kills me a little everyday that you are not here with me and that we can’t make anymore memories together. You made my life worth living and touched my heart and soul in a way that no one ever had. I don’t live anymore I just exist since losing you. I will love you all my life and I can’t wait to be reunited with you. You pauline are my heart and everything that is good about me. I really am nothing without you. The years we had together were the happiest of my life. You were such a special beautiful lady and it was an honour and privilege to know you and share my life with you. I’m so grateful for all the years we had together, I just wish we could have had longer, though in all honesty a lifetime together still would not have been long enough. I love you my darling and I always will, you are my soulmate,the love of my life, we were meant to be together. I carry you with me in all I do and I hope that I can do you proud. You be at peace baby and wait for me as I wait to join you. Love always and forever your casey xxxxxx


Hi Casey . What a beautiful tribute you have written for Pauline , you have a wonderful way with words . Thinking of you .
Love Angie xx


@Angie4 hi angie thankyou for your kind words. I hope you are doing ok. I know this journey of grief is so hard for us all. You take care sending hugs and love x

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Awwwww Casey, what you’ve written is so lovely. Made me cry because I identify with how you feel completely.
You were so very lucky to have found such love with Pauline & she with you.
Take care, much love, Janey xx

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@JaneyS hi janey thank you for your kind words. I’m sorry it made you cry. But you are right, we were lucky to have found such a beautiful love with our soulmates and to have had the years we did with them. You take care sending hugs and love x


Hi Casey , you are very welcome. I’m doing okish , some days are much worse than others . Start face to face counselling next week so hoping that will help. Take care. Love Angie xx

Casey so sorry I know it’s so hard it’s 14month for me since love of my life passed I take it day by day lv annie x x

I’m over 8 months since I lost my soul mare and it seems to get harder rather than easier. One step forward and two steps back :disappointed_relieved:. At the age of 77 I fail to see the point of going on. I had a lovely night away with my daughter on Friday night but then come Sunday I am alone again with no joy in my life. I just wish I could see a time of peace, when being alone doesn’t rip my heart apart. I seriously wish that my life was over but couldn’t put my children through the pain of dealing with me finishing it all. :cold_sweat::cold_sweat:

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