Its been a year today

It’s been a heartbreaking year withoutyou darling. It’s soul destroying to lose the love of your life. A year ago today my world was torn apart and ripped to shreds. Nothing will ever be the same. I will never be the same. I feel like I died with you even though I’m still here I’m dead inside. Grief knows no bounds it pulls us in every direction possible. It tears at our hearts and pulls us apart. The absolute emptiness and the feeling so desperately lost are constant and the loneliness withoutyou is unbearable. Grief has become my constant companion it’s always there. I have cried so many tears I could fill an ocean. But every tear I shed is filled with love for you. I kiss your picture everyday when I get up and say to you from my lips to yours forever and I do the same before I go to bed. Then when in bed I say the goodnight we always used to say to eachother. Though I have added to it. God bless you sweet dreams sleep tight rest In peace babe. Thankyou for loving me and giving me the best and happiest years of my life and never giving up on me. I love you I miss you I want you I need you. Life isn’t the same withoutyou it used to be so bright and full of love and full of happiness and now it’s just so dark and full of pain and despair and emptiness. I’m not the same the best half of me is missing. My heart is broken as am I and I’m so completely lost and so completely empty. Every waking thought is of you and I can’t stop longing for you and the love and happiness we shared. I truly think my life started when I met you and it ended the day I lost you. All that’s left is a shell of the person I once was. I really am nothing withoutyou. You gave me love and happiness and a reason to live and filled my life with joy. The last year I have spent everyday alone grieving for you. I’m only around people when I go to the shops or go out walking cara. I hate the silence at home and not being able to have a two sided conversation with you. Because afterall I still talk to you all the time as though you were still here. You my beautiful darling pauline are still my everything. The woman of my dreams the one I belong to the one I will love forever. It’s been too long since I saw your beautiful smiling face. Looked into your amazing beautiful eyes and got lost in them. Kissed your soft tender lips and held you in my arms and whispered I love you and heard you say I love you too. I think I will spend the rest of my life grieving for you and longing for you and the love and happiness we shared. I never knew love could be so beautiful and fulfilling until I met you and we fell in love. I love you with all my heart and soul and with every beat of my heart and every breath I take. We were so happy and content and all we needed was eachother. I don’t see a future withoutyou just days that I have to get through until we are together again. I love you more than I ever knew it was possible to love anyone. You showed me what true love really is and for that and for loving me and making me complete I thank you. To have experienced and felt and still feel that love and to love so deeply and completely is an amazing feeling. You made me a better woman and gave me confidence. You saw past my shyness and took the time to get to know me and you brought out the best in me. You truly are the best person I have ever known and ever will know and the best thing that ever happened to me in my life is you. My head knows you are gone but my heart can’t accept it. Afterall the heart wants what the heart wants and mine wants you. We are two hearts and souls joined as one for eternity. Our love will never die and I will always keep you close In my heart and thoughts and carry you with me in all I do. You were such a remarkable woman intelligent funny kind loving and you had such a kind gentle loving heart and soul. I always admired you and felt proud of you. You enriched my life in so many ways and gave me so much love and happiness. You inspired me in life and you are still my inspiration. Wherever you are now sweetheart be happy. I want you to be happy and don’t worry about me. One day we will be together again.we have to be as we belong together. We were so blessed to have found eachother and to have found love in eachother and to have had the love and the happiness we did and the years we had together. Though I wanted so many more.everyday that I’m still here will be spent loving and missing you. I miss you so desperately and so very much baby it hurts all the time. I just don’t know how to do life withoutyou. You will always be my sweet beautiful perfect Irish rose. Be at peace darling I love you and will do so all my life :heart: xxxxx


Casey, such a beautiful post, thinking of you today xxx

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Beautiful and heartbreaking. Take care. S xxx

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What an amazing outpouring of love, dear Casey. I’m sure Pauline has read and truly appreciates your loving yet heart-rending words. Thinking about you on this especially hard day. I pray that you may find some peace and happiness as you continue along your path of life. Lots of love and hugs…Pipsi


That is so beautiful Casey , how lucky you were to find a love like that . Thinking of you today . Take care.
Love Angie xx

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Dear Casey. Your post is so beautiful and such a massive outpouring of love to your Pauline. Thinking of you today and sending you love and hugs. xx

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Thinking of you today Casey. It won’t be long before it’s 12 months for me. The 24th. It seems like yesterday. Xx

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@Nel hi Nel thankyou I will be thinking of you on the 24th. I can’t believe it’s been a year. Like you said it feels like yesterday. Take care love an hugs casey x

Beautiful words Casey. Thinking of you today. Wishing you strength to look after your pets and yourself for Pauline’s sake. She would want you all to be ok.
Janey xx

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I would like to thank everyone for their kind words and support. So thankyou it means a lot to know I’m not alone and that people care. Thankyou all for the love support and warmth you have shown me . Love and hugs xxx


You are very welcome Casey , we are always here for you. Take care.
Love Angie xx


@Angie4 hi angie thankyou and the same goes for you and everyone else. Love and hugs xxx


Casey you write such beautiful words it was a year for me on the 4 April when I lost my partner suddenly it was Easter Sunday. Nothing will ever be the same for me either it doesn’t get any easier not for me anyway.
Take care Casey love to you x


@Janeets hi janeets thank you and I am so sorry you are going through this heartbreak. It’s so hard to believe it’s been a year. As time seems to go so slowly everyday. It’s not getting any easier for me either. I do hope you have support around you. Take care janeets. love and hugs casey xxx

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Casey. Sending you all my love and thoughts. I feel every word you write. You had an amazing love. Keep strong and know we are all behind you. Xxxxx

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Hi Casey
Thank you for your kind reply . I’m so sorry for you also living this nightmare every day . It certainly is very hard to believe it’s been a year and as you say the time every day goes so slowly how can it possibly be a year . I still think of him every minute of every day and miss him so so much .
Take care Casey x

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@Angiejo2 dear angiejo thank you so very much. We all had such amazing loves and so many beautiful memories . You are in my thoughts and I’m always here for you and anyone on here going through the heartbreak of grief. Much love casey xxx

@Janeets dear janeets it really is so very hard isn’t it? I too think of her every minute of every day and long for what I have lost. Yes we have beautiful memories but the memories also hurt as we won’t make anymore together. I take a little comfort in the fact that they still love us as much as we love them and their love still surrounds us. I’m often around if you want to chat. Take care my thoughts are with you as you continue on this heartbreaking journey. Love and hugs casey xxx

It was a year on 2 April, good Friday but there was nothing good about it. Casey your words of love are just beautiful X

@Shazz9 hi shazz thank you . I am so very sorry for your loss and for the heartbreak you are going through. I still can’t believe it’s been a year. I hope you have support around you. Take care love and hugs x

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