It's depressing so lost

Yes I understand your upset your pain.

I wish there was a pill, or a magic :magic_wand::sparkles: spell that would fit things.

Thanks for dropping in and sharing.

It’s good to chat.

Lots of love

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The nights are the worst. It’s only been 7 weeks since he passed but it seems like years at 2am. Knowing that I’m not alone feeling like this helps, it does.

It will get easier… or so I keep getting told but it’s hard to believe that sometimes.

Sending hugs :hugs:


Yes people do say things will get better, but that’s unhelpful as I can’t see past the next hour or day or night.
Just can’t sleep, if I do go to sleep I wake up and then all alone in the dark lonely nights.

Hopefully therapy will help, I have ask several organisations to get help.

Lots of love :heart::kissing_heart:


Like you del im hoping therapy will do something. Good luck with it. x
I was prescribed Phenergan to get to sleep since losing my partner, it works, but its best to us it every other day because its common for the body to get used to it and then it not work. Its an antihistamine. Im lonely too del, i worry about my son. Im leaning into Christianity at the moment, seeing two dead bodies in 4 months (my partner, and her mum the month before). I just feel like believing in something is helping me somehow. Anyway, not pushing religion, just saying thats what im doing. Good luck mate, and i hope you get some sleep.


I’m trying therapy too and it is helping. I think so anyway. I’ll do anything to not feel like this but there’s only one thing that would take it all away… if he hadn’t died in the first place. Impossible I know.

Just getting through each night is a win I’m telling myself. I have a dog now and she sleeps with me… a living, breathing, being beside me helps.

Tomorrow I will have had another “win” I hope :crossed_fingers:
Hang in there, live and hugs :hugs:


It’s so difficult to keep going, every day is a struggle and every night is so lonely.

Yes having a dog would be good, keeps you busy.

Thanks :pray::+1: