It's our anniversary

Happy anniversary my beautiful darling pauline. I hope you are enjoying it in heaven with those we have loved and lost. Its not the same without you here with me. But today is special as it was the start of our beautiful wonderful amazing journey and life together. My heart is filled with love for you and your love surrounds me and you are always in my thoughts. My life was so much better for having you in it. You made me feel alive and showed me that I could enjoy life. You were my reason for being here and even though I lost you. I’m still trying for you and our babies. The babies are the only thing I enjoy in life now and I have moments of happiness with them. They miss you too. I miss you every second of everyday and I long to see you and hold you and kiss you. I miss hearing you say I love you. I miss everything about you. I miss that flutter in my heart when I look at you. That warm glow that surrounds me and that wonderful feeling that I have come home where I belong and i am with the woman that I love and adore. I’m so in love with you and will be all my life. I cherish the time we had together though it wasn’t long enough. But in all honesty a lifetime still would not be long enough. Thankyou for loving me and all you gave me and for all the happiness we shared. You touched my life and heart and soul in a way no one ever had. I have never trusted anyone easily. But I trusted you completely and you were always there for me. You showed me how to love and completed me. You made me a better woman. I hope you are at peace my sweetheart. At least now you are pain free. I love you pauline with all my heart and soul. I miss you with every fibre of my being. You are the only person I have ever needed and I still need you and always will. But as you would say to me pull up your big girl pants and get on with it. I’m trying baby. It’s just so hard without you. But hey as you know I’m a stubborn old girl. But I will keep trying I owe you that at least. I love you my sweet beautiful perfect Irish rose :rose: you are still my inspiration and the most wonderful amazing beautiful woman I have ever had the pleasure to know. It was an honour and a privilege to be your life partner. Love you baby forever xxxxx


Lovely words Casey.
I hope you did something special to acknowledge the day. .

G. X

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Oh, Casey…what a beautiful tribute to Pauline. I can feel all your feelings of love pouring out for her in your amazing choice of words. So happy that you got to experience such a great time in your life with such a wonderful person who made you so happy and fulfilled…and I’m sure she felt the same way about you. May Pauline always continue to inspire you until that time comes when you can be together again forever.
Hope your anniversary day wasn’t too hard on you ? Wishing you and your babies all the best…Pipsi

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