It's remarkable how the day can turn around!

This is really an anecdote to show how little things can turn our day around.
I had a terrible night last night, fitful sleep, and every time I woke up I regurgitated the thoughts of what wasn’t good about my 50 years with Penny (in reality, it was only a small proportion of those 50 years, but they keep popping up don’t they).
I eventually got out of bed full of angst and anxiety, but I was determined to get my life in order for the day, I wasn’t going to waste the day!!
So firstly, I got my toast and coffee, sat in the conservatory, and talked to Penny about my negativity. As usual, we soon agreed that the issues were neither her fault or mine, and we forgave each other (yet again). My day was already improving!!
I decided to walk into town along the canal towpath, which I do quite often. A lovely walk, as it always is, I spent most of the time talking to her about what her (our) dogs were getting up to. That includes one of them rolling in a giant pile of duck poo, she’s always wanting to do that. I couldn’t help laughing at her! At least she didn’t fall in, which she did last time.
When I eventually got into town and market, I found a wet fish stall, and they had my favouritist food ever, soft herring roes. These haven’t been available for 3 years, and that cheered me up even more!
Then my usual flat white coffee and lemon cake at a pavement cafe, and several people stopped to pat the dogs (avoiding the duck poo) and to have a nice friendly chat. So my day improved even more!
Back home now, all I have to do is cook some herring roes, read my book, practice my flute before tomorrows lesson, and bath the dogs. This last task always ends up in smiles

So it’s a good day, despite the bad start. But we have to get out and look for the good which is out there!!
Good luck!


Good for you, and it’s still early in the day, so I hope it continues.

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Thanks @SadGirlfriend . It’s just started raining😠

Hi @tykey
I love your positive outlook on life, your dogs sound really sweet.
I don’t know why, but sometimes we go over old arguments, & remember times when our loved ones angered or upset us in some way. For the first year after my mom passed, the 2 things that carried me through was, being on autopilot, which caused me to keep busy most of the time, & the anger I felt towards her for issues she had handled badly when she was alive, but what eventually broke through my wall of anger, was love. I took a deeper look over those incidents, & why my mom was the way she was as a person, & why she reacted the way she did. I realised, yes she didn’t always do the right thing, she didn’t always grasp the affect her actions had on me, & the way I perceived her as a result of that, but the bottom line was, she cared, when I was ill, she looked after me, she argued my side for me when I needed help, when I was upset, she was a shoulder to cry on, she would give me hugs, & tell me everything in life is a phase, when I attempted suicide it was mom who called the ambulance, & (unlike my dad) she was the one who was always there. Everyone argues with family sometimes, that’s normal, but it can’t take away how much our loved ones cared, & loved us, everything else is just incidents in time.


What a good post @Pandaprincess . You made me smile :blush:.
Plus my long-awaited herring roes were truly epic.
My dogs really are sweet, Rosie’s duck poo is gone along with her perfume of Canal Number Five. She looks really nice, so tomorrow her sister Crumpet is in the bath!
Despite still raining, it’s been a really nice day.


So glad it was good day.