
Its been 4 months 3 weeks and 5 days since i lost my son Aaron. Every single day is like torture im dreading Christmas and dont want to even do it at all. Would just be happy if i could sleep the day away and forget all about it but then there is my other 2 children who need me so much. Aaron was 34 and died in a,van fire which was an accidental death i I still think im in a nightmare thats not real and eventually going to wake up from it and that everything is ok and he is back wuth his children


Hi @Sue3p ,

Thank you so much for sharing this with the community :blue_heart: Iā€™m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been heard and you are not alone.

Take good care,

I am so sorry to read your post, I think I have messaged you before. There is no answer I can give you, apart from be kind to yourself, do what you can. The pain I know is horrendous. Iā€™m not sure how I will get through Christmas but remember itā€™s one day and we have all gone through worst days than that. Take care xx

Yes you have and i thankyou so much for your reply. Im trying so hard not to think about Christmas just want the day to be over and done with. One day at a time xx

Yep one day at a time is all we can do, deep breaths, and if needed minute by minute rule appliesšŸ˜€sending you big hugsā¤ļø xx

Thankyou so much back at you xxxxxxx

I am so sorry to read this and so sorry for your loss. I completely understand that you feel you are living in a nightmare that you just cant wake up from. I am also feeling a bit like you at the moment. I really dont want to do Christmas this year at all i wish it would just pass. Also like you i have 2 other children so i need to be happy for them but i just dont feel like it this year.

I just feel totally miserable all the time and feel there is no joy or hope anymore and i feel really guilty because of ny other 2 children who also need me. When aaron died i died as well. Im not the same person anymore .i dont smile i dont laugh just totally lifeless and depressed

It really does completely change you as a person. I am sending you hugs. Aaron will be looking down on you and he wouldnt want to see you feel that way. I know its a lot harder to pretend to be happy and sometimes we do pretend. I am always here if anyone feels they need to share anything or talk about anything.

Hi Sue, Iā€™m so sorry to hear of your loss and I send you a big virtual hug. I rarely read on here now as it makes me so upset.
I lost my son just over a year ago and feel every emotion you write, My only advice is to hold tight, hug and love his children, which is what heā€™d want. My little ones are 18mths and 3 1/2 years old. xxx

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