Ive just lost my mum….

Hi……this is new for me ….Not a place I ever imagined myself to be. I’m 28 ….and have just lost my darling mum to cancer. Someone please tell me how life will ever go back to normal? How can I possibly feel happiness knowing she will never get to witness any part of my life?

I’m feeling very overwhelmed and I’m trying to stay strong knowing she would of never wanted for me to be hurting.

The last 6 weeks of mums life ….was hell for all of us. From receiving treatment …to being told there is nothing else that can do. And for 6 weeks preparing for her to take the last breath. We were by mums side all through it all ….I took time off work. (Luckily they have been very understanding)…I just don’t know how to face everyone (family/friends…colleagues). How do I appreciate all the support, love and kindness whilst at the same time wanting to scream and tell everyone to just leave me be.

Hi. I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my mum on Christmas day and she was diganosed with lung cancer 6 months prior and it all happened so fast. I am still processing it, but each day I am. She was my rock and bestfriend and I miss her terribly.

Everything you’re feeling is normal, and more importantly, it is survivable. I am also very early on in the grieving process, and I have had some dark days (I have posted a few on here), but this forum plus others have helped me feel less alone. So please continue to read posts and reach out. In my most darkest days I have reached out to 111 and Marie Curie support line and that did help.

There will even be posts on here of hope of people who are further along the grieving process but this all takes time. Just do whatever you need to do as youre experiecing the raw grief and your mind is all over the place. At the moment its gut wrenching. But you will push through and you will survive. You are not alone.

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