
My mum died suddenly and unexpectedly in May 2024 and I am in the process of clearing out her house. I intend to sell it but am dreading the day when I lock the door on it for the last time as it was my childhood home. When I was there last weekend, I felt okay going through her belongings but felt an overwhelming crippling sadness the following day. Since her death, I feel as though I am living two lives - getting on well with work and everything else but having random periods when I am in tears. I last dreamt about her in September when I saw her and my late grandmother in the garden of my childhood home. I was viewing them from the garden of my late grandmother’s home two doors away. After I acknowledged my mum who appeared first, they both smiled and acknowledged me. They seemed happy. Maybe I should draw comfort from the fact my mum is happy where she is.


Hi @Jane28 ,

Thank you so much for sharing this with the community :blue_heart: I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been heard and you are not alone.

Take good care,