
When do things get better my wife was 55 years old died in October got my little dog that keeps going if I not got the dog think I be with my wife every morning before work I go to the grave and when I finish I go back lucky in that way because I live 1min away everything terrible

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This is tricky to answer because it does get better, then it doesn’t, then it does. It never goes away and i doubt it will, we just learn to live with it and let it have its moment.

You are very much in the early months and they are hard, raw and painful but this does subside and the pain lessons. Grief then comes in waves, sometimes knocking you off your feet, sometimes just washing over you.

You just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other and take each day as it comes.

This month was a year for me and reaching that milestone has been hard work. I chose to not let grief win and have accepted every invitation to go out, meet up, I have reached out on here when days have got really tough, I have been determined to live a life he couldn’t and not let grief win.

Life now consists of doing what I can manage, what I can cope with, letting friends help, giving in to the grief when I have to and finding a strength I never knew I had. I won’t give in to it but sometimes that is easier said than done

It does get easier but it takes time. Focus on getting through each day and don’t look to far ahead because that’s hard.

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Thank you that’s helped a lot just very hard most days

It’s going to be, you’ve lost so much and neither of you wanted it. There is no closure and too many questions. Life has changed, as you know it but it hasn’t stopped. Not yet but one day, you will decide to get dragged along in life or take control and have some choices. Best wishes.

When do things get better? Things DO get better, the WHEN bit is more difficult to predict. 4 months is a bit too soon to expect a major improvement, its the time to begin to accept that our lives have changed, and what we are going to do about it.
But the pain does ease, although not disappear, we have poor days and we learn how to cope.
Its been 21 months for me, my life has rebuilt itself, and I’m now mostly happy again.
Try to be positive, better days are ahead.
The dog is a brilliant step, my two have been tremendous!