Hello I’ve just joined and signed up to Sue Ryder online and I am a member of JDs (jolly dollies) with a £10 subscription for the year via paypal, there are 3 groups for ladies in Christchurch, Bournemouth and Poole but there are groups up and down the country and I’m now a coordinator with the Christchurch group along with my good friend who arranges things, when you join JDs you can come along for 1-2 meetups to see if its what you are looking for then you will be allocated a group and added to the email list (but you can go to anything anywhere) and your email will be added to that group then when something comes up an email is sent out to all to see if you would like to attend, hope that helps with information, have been on a few things like day trips, meals out, cinema and met up with other members from outside Dorset who come to Bournemouth.