
Who else sees couples walking down the road and think, yes that should be us. Its heartbreaking.

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Always Derek, always. I don’t think that feeling will ever disappear…:cry:

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I agree, we will always forever feel like that .
Another horrible emotion of grieving.

Oh yes, and it doesn’t go away. Not jealous, just very sad that I can’t do that, in fact I generally say how lovely and wish them well. Take care.

Know what you mean. In time I may feel the same but it’s all a bit raw at the moment. Just missing my wife so much

Hi Derek
In the early days of my loss I wasn’t too bad with the jealousy thing. I coped pretty well but recently it has started to affect me so much more. I envy them, knowing this is something I will never experience again. It is heartbreaking
I am also totally ashamed of myself for noticing people that have been suffering from bad health for years and not very mobile and they are still out there and my husband has gone, when he lived life to the full, was kind, caring and well liked. Some of these people were helped by him, yet I am now resenting them. Not very nice of me I know. I don’t wish anyone harm I just can’t understand why Brian isn’t still here also.


Yeah your right. Wrong choice of words on my part. Envy is a better description. We all want back what we had but unfortunately have to overcome it. Hopefully one day we will have it again.

I feel like that so much but it seems so much worse on a weekend. I feel like shouting “ it’s not fair”. I never expected to feel like this, sometimes I don’t recognise myself.

I agree with so much you huys have said - envy - yes that’s the word. A lot of the time I want to stop them and say just stop and appreciate what you’re doing, I can’t do that anymore.
and yes, Pattidot, I’ve felt the same, those people obviously in serious ill-health, still smoking etc, why June and not them. I can’t help myself but do try and stop it when it happens

I know how you are feeling. Unfortunately we have to cope with our own grief however hard it is. It’s been 6 months since I lost my wife. I have managed to get it in my head that I won’t see her again. I still think of her every minute of the day and will miss her for ever. It’s a time thing. I’ve found that meeting friends and family have been a big comfort. Hope you can find the same. Really feeling your loss

I know what you mean Dave. Recently I was listening to a woman moaning about her husband at the bus stop and I couldn’t help myself and told her to treasure him and not let those little annoyances bother her. She did smile at me and promised me she would. I can’t help it I still resent people I know who abuse their health and still walking the streets and Brian who was a keen walker, cyclist and non smoker as well growing all our own fruit and veg is gone. I too can’t help myself and do try to be more tolerant. Last week there was young men in a supermarket using bad language and being intimidating at other shoppers. Don’t get me started on my thoughts about them.

They can’t stop you thinking Pattidot, just remember not to speak those thoughts