
anyone else get so jealous when friends talk about their dad to you? i just get so angry. why don’t i get to spend more time with my dad? what makes them so special? bad way of thinking but i cant help it. i see loads of people just walking in the street with their dad beside them and cant help but wish that was me. worst feeling tbh


Hi @kay4,

It is not just you and sometimes I feel so ashamed at some of things I have thought lately. I don’t consider myself a bad person and I certainly don’t wish this pain on anyone I know but I too have walked past people with their mum and thought ‘why are you still alive?’ then instantly feel disgusted at myself. My colleague recently had his mum in hospital and although I care for him very much I felt myself thinking ‘why did she come out of hospital and mine didn’t?’ x. As I say it just pops in and then I feel ashamed.

I understand completely so not sure if that’s a comfort to know you aren’t alone with these thoughts and hopes.

Be kind to yourself as I imagine these thoughts/feelings are completely part of the grieving process x

Suzanne x

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Hi @kay4 you really are not alone in that thought process and I agree with what @Suzanne30 said as I have felt like this too, I’m so sorry for your losses xx

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Hi all
I had this feeling for weeks after I lost my mum most of their neighbours are elderly and I was always thinking when I saw one of them or if a daughter or son popped to see them why can they still have their parent, why did they not die, even though most of them have already lost their husband’s it’s so hard to not feel that anger but also I felt bad for thinking it, :broken_heart:
Lynn x