
Its been nearly 4 years ago in julyand i still miss my darling man.I had bereavrment counselling twice and therapy for PTSD but it just caused me more pain .I just miss the company and the natter…he was always talking even during my fav programmes but I loved it and him.Just me and the 4 walls now …no children cos we met each other later in life and no mum and dad theyre gone too. Dont want to come over as a misery as I am so grateful to have had such wonderful parents and partner but I do miss my family


Dear Jeangenie, I am so sorry for your loss. I am on my own as well and I am just existing - I cannot call it life anymore. It is four months and five days that he left me suddenly. My parents are also dead. It is hard and it is sad that counseling and bereavement groups did not help you. Do you have any hobbies so you can join a hobby group and get out of the house? I know it is not the perfect solution but it maybe would help you a bit. I found this forum quite helpful although I am still crying every day and I am mentally and physically drained. We all experience that nightmare journey with no end. Sending lots of love and hugs to you.


Hi Annaessex .Thank you for replying…it means so much.Listen if crying helps do it…in the early days I used to find myself on all fours on the floor asking why what do I do now?Mornings are the worst but then I was never a morning person.So sorry to hear about the anniversary its always hard isnt it
…what I miss is sending him cards birthdays etc and choosing presents .Like you i enjoyed the mutual caring and understanding.Thank you again for your kind words and suggestions …good thoughts always from the jeangenie.


Hi it’s 10 weeks since my wonderful husband died. Tomorrow would have been his birthday I’m so not looking forward to tomorrow. I just can’t stop crying day and night the lost feeling is unbearable I really hope I can get through the day.

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@Jan150 oh I feel for you. Special days are the worst. Especially the “firsts” I did find the build up was worse than the actual day, so hopefully you do too. Sending hugs.
It’s been 11 weeks since I lost my husband. In the last few weeks I’ve had his birthday, my grandson’s birthday, my birthday & father’s day. Today I had to go to hospital for a scan and some tests. It’s like someone’s playing a cruel joke. I can’t take much more.

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Dear Jan150, I am so sorry about your loss. I know how it feels. The first special day after my husband died suddenly was his birthday about three weeks later. I had already his birthday card and presents ready for him which I still hide from my view now. My husband died on Valentine’s Day and I also hide his card and presents out of my view. I am sure that you will go through the first special day. Do you have anyone who can be with you? I preferred to be on my own so I could have a good cry. Well, actually nobody was here anyway. Most of the time I am on my own. Sending you lots of love and hugs.


Dear Jan17, I hope that you will get good results from your scan and it is nothing serious. Sending you lots of love and hugs.


@Annaessex thank you for your kind reply. Everything is just so much harder without our loved ones. Sending hugs