
I was wondering if anyone else on this site has found that since their loved one has died that their physical health has declined? I seem to wake up each morning with some ailment or another along with the all consuming sadness. Perhaps this is normal under the circumstances. Jenny

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Hi Kingfisher,

Yes, I had all sort of physical symptoms after my dad, my mum and my mother-in law died. (i lost all 3 of them in the last 4 years). For some of those symptoms I saw my GP and he was always very helpful. It is strange how our mind affects our body. Don’t hesitate to contact your GP if there are any ailments you worry about, even if it is just to get reassurance that nothing is wrong. Jo

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Thank you Jo for replying and yes it is strange how our mind effects our body. I have been to my Doctor and he has been very kind and reassuring but when you’re on your own I think that I just want to feel whole again! and there is no prescription for it. I am sorry that you have had so many losses in the last 4 years. It’s amazing how the body copes with these traumas. Love Jenny

I think it’s because you have been so busy looking after the loved one. You don’t have the time to think about your own ailments. That’s what l found because l went to see my Mum every day for a year either in her own home or in hospital. I stayed in Q. A Hospital for 3wks slept on a put you up bed coz l thought l was going to lose her only went home to shower when family visited. Then when l lost her my knees hurt more and my wrist hurt more. Thought my blood pressure might be too high. Felt a bit like hypochondria