
After losing my husband 2 yrs ago now I have no joy in my heart like I used too. I can cry now over simple things . It seems the crying has only just started. Anyone else feel the same ?

Hi Pup, itā€™s strange but Iā€™m exactly like you, I cry at the slightest thing, I can no longer cope with any stress, I didnā€™t realise it at the time but my husband was my rock and now heā€™s gone, I crumble at the slightest thing, it helps to know that you are not alone in feeling the way you do, keep strong and sending you love xx

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Hi. Pup. Welcome. Itā€™s not unusual or hardly surprising that you feel as you do. Time is irrelevant. Please try and not get the idea into your head that ā€˜you should be over it by nowā€™.! That remark can only come from the ignorant. Itā€™s coming up to two years for me too, and I still have my moments. Ah yes. Joy ! I wonder if that feeling will ever return. Some happiness, maybe, but joy is a very deep emotion in or after bereavement. We can only give it time. Grief is very much a ā€˜wait and seeā€™ process. I still take it day by day and hope for the best.
The silliest of things can set us off. Often, things we would think would make us sad donā€™t, but little things do. Itā€™s a strange old business this grief.
Take care and try and be kind to yourself. John.

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I really think the current situation has made our grieving a lot worse. I joined three new groups, one being short mat bowls, and found these really helped. Mixing and talking to people stops all the horrid memories of our spouses illness and passing. Not to mention the other gatherings weā€™d have gone to. Letā€™s hope for some normality soon and I think that will help us all.

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Thank you so much for your replies it helps
I am never lonely but feel alone
Your such stars to reply Thank you

Hi Pup
You have said exactly what I tend to say. ā€œI am not lonely but I do feel aloneā€.
I do things that I enjoy doing and gives me a lot of satisfaction but I now hit rock bottom at the slightest little problem that might arise and can dissolve into tears at the slightest little thing. This has never been something that I have suffered from before but it just goes to show how grief can change us into totally different people and our emotions are all over the place.
Christinaā€¦ I was like you after a year of wanting to be alone and not socialise I was just making the effort. Dancing classes, just returning to the gym again, going to local social gatherings. Then it all came to an end. Fortunately I have plenty to keep me occupied but back to square one again in some ways. No sign of any normality yetā€¦

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