
Hello everyone my name is Dale and I lost my wife Julia on the 26 th June 2022 after a three year battle with MND Up until the funeral on the 18 th July I was feeling ok Since then I am struggling to cope and keep breaking down in tears Julia was 60 in January We met in Benidorm in 1970 Julia was 18 and I was 20 we have had a wonderful life together I miss her so much :yellow_heart:


Benidorm in 1980

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Hi so sorry for your loss . I met my husband in 1978 when we were both 16 . So like you . That’s all I have known all my adult life . Almost a year since my husband died . And it isn’t getting any easier trying to live / exsist without him . It does help posting and reading on this site . Knowing that people really understand what it’s like to lose the love of thier life . Their everything . Without judging . How we cope . Hope you find some small comfort and help on this site like I have . Xtake care x

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