Just 3 months on from losing of my wife

Just 3 months on from losing of my wife I am finding particularly difficult today. I am doing what I need to, keeping active, eating regular home cooked foods, going out to meet old friends and new people, which all helps. But today I just couldn’t face anyone and just feel so lonely, sad and near to tears all day long. I have felt like this before but only for short periods. I know this is not what my wife would want me to do, she told me often enough, but I just cannot shake it off today. Why?


Hi, I think you are doing really great, three months after my husband died , I still was in total shock , and not eating or sleeping . It’s over two years now , and I still have really bad days , they say grief is like a rollercoaster, and some days it just hits you like a sledgehammer, whatever way you are feeling is the right way for you to feel ,our whole life has changed,hopefully tomorrow is a better day for you , but I’m sure you are making your wife proud each day xtake carex

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Hi Broken2222
Thanks for your kind wishes. My head tells me things will change either tomorrow or the next day. Nothing stays the same, we just have to learn to live with it.
I really hope you are finding it easier each day.

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Hi @Hopefully. Yes it really is like an unpredictable roller coaster. Good days, average days, and horrendous days. You never know which it’s going to be. It’s very much like the weather these days. 3 months is VERY early in this journey! I just tried my best to weather the storms, and now (after 18 months), I’m having sunnier days with just an odd shower.
Keep trying to be positive, and do things which make you happy (er). You will recover. Just hang on, sometimes by your fingernails , but it will pass. Good luck!

3 months since my husband died. Grief is a hard journey . It’s overwhelming go out all day with my dog. He is a godsend. No one will ever know what grief is like until they go through it .

I’m sorry you’re going through this and today is a hard one. All I can say is I think that there is very little rhyme or reason to the good or bad days. Tomorrow will likely be different. Hold onto your routine of cooking/socialising to see you through til bed time

I am probably my own worst enemy because I tried to clean and tidy my wife’s bathroom only to be reminded of in everything I touched. I gave up after half an hour and went for a walk down a country lane only to find I was weeping most of the journey. The one bright spot was that a neighbour stopped their car to see how I was and then invited me in for a cup of tea ( the British cure all ). A release from my misery for a while. Where would we be without friends. I am determined tomorrow will be better.