Just feeling lost

Hello everyone. I’m new here but just need to talk to someone. I lost my male best friend two weeks ago suddenly. I’m totally devastated… we chatted all the time and now I find myself still waiting on his texts etc comming through. I had a dream last Saturday night were we knew he was passing and in the dream I got to hug him and say goodbye. I woke up in tears. My husband isn’t the kind of person u can talk to . My other friends wudnt understand the relationship we had so can’t talk to them. I just don’t know what to do. Maybe I’m just being silly but this is the first time in my life I feel like I’m grieving for someone.

Hello Twinkle
Sorry you lost your best friend,the best of friends mean a lot,as like you mention you chatted all the time,and the void you feel will be very painful.My beliefs are spiritual,please disregard my comments if you don’t have the same thoughts,but you mention a dream where your friend came to hug you and say goodbye,personally that sounds like a visitation from your friend,which in itself is a special blessing to receive,and in my opinion is a very real message from spirit after they pass.Your grief is very justified,he was a big part of your life,and you have every right to grieve for him,i hope you can feel in time he is still around you xx

Ty for your reply. The dream itself is nothing I have ever experienced before in my life. It was so real. I’m going to see a lady tomorrow to maybe try and contact him. I think if I know he is ok and pain free then I think I can move forward in time. He was just everything to me. I talked to him about everything from dinner recipes to our problems in our relationships. I think I would be in a better place if I knew he was dieing but it’s the not getting to say goodbye and tell him how much he meant to me. Yes I said it to him in the funeral home but it’s not the same.

Ty for your reply. The dream itself is nothing I have ever experienced before in my life. It was so real. I’m going to see a lady tomorrow to maybe try and contact him. I think if I know he is ok and pain free then I think I can move forward in time. He was just everything to me. I talked to him about everything from dinner recipes to our problems in our relationships. I think I would be in a better place if I knew he was dieing but it’s the not getting to say goodbye and tell him how much he meant to me. Yes I said it to him in the funeral home but it’s not the same.

Do whatever makes you feel more comfortable Twinkle,i visited a lady who verified without any doubt,my husband who passed 10 months ago and other loved ones who passed many years ago were ok and the things she verified and validated were things only i could ever have known.It was a great comfort and eased my grief,although i still miss his physical presence here,i too didn’t get to say goodbye to my husband but they hear and know how you feel.Hope you find the comfort from it you are searching for xx

Ty very much x