Just hello

Just a need to say hello to a human being in distress like myself

Hi. Pam and hello.
I know how you feel. It’s as if we are suddenly alone and lost. We are all in distress on here but to varying degrees. It’s 15 months since my wife died and I am beginning to adjust, but it’s still painful. Have you lost someone recently? Never be afraid to open up on here. There is not one soul who will not understand. That’s what the site is for. And never feel silly, ashamed or a nuisance. NEVER!!
What we go through in bereavement is a life trauma. I doubt any of us could feel as bad as we often do, especially in the early stages.
Take care of yourself and come back and talk if you want. We are all good listeners. Blessings. John.

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Thanks John. Yes lost my mum a week before xmas though she had health issues it was sudden. I was her 24/7 sole carer and am devastated and alone with her unopened presents. My siblings all have familys and live away and have hardly contacted me. Everyrhing revolved around mum and i feel to blame i didnt save her. She was uncon scious but i thought she was asleep. I phoned ambulance before that as she had complained of leg pains. It is so hard to find a reason to go on. Sending you my wish for your peacex

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Hello hope your day hasn’t been too bad . I lost my husband almost 10 months ago , sudden death so a massive shock, life is so different now​:cry::cry: he was only 55. I get up each day and see what it brings. One day I’ll start living again. As he’d want me too. Xxxxx

Hi karen
Thats v hard. One minute youre living normally and the next… im not doing good at all cry every day not going out. It was just me and mum. The shock is immense and i know people say time heals but we cant fast forward. Hugs to you Karen. Hope your days okx

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Some things people make me angry but it’s only cause they can’t understand till they feel this loss. I was with Steve 33 years don’t know what to do without him, I have 2 grown up children, married, but I see them most days or they phone every day several times. I don’t want to burden them so most of the time you pretend your ok. I did everything with Steve so I was so very Lost. Somedays are easier now but I still cry most days for him, I function a little better now but I will never get over this just learn to live a different way now alone. Sending much love. Xxxxx

Hope the sun comes out brightens day a little. Xxxx

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