Just lost a friend

Just lost a friend last thing I said too him was no how do I let it go

Dear @Jane456

I apologise for the delay in replying and I am sorry for the loss of your friend. How are you coping today?

I can feel your pain in your sentance. Not knowing the circumstances as to why you said no I will do my best to answer your question.

You had your reasons at the time of saying no and your friend would have understood this and accepted it. We cannot always unfortunately be there for friends due to life and family commitments.

Try not to keep replaying the scenario in your head as this will not be good for your mental health. Hard as this will sound, accept that was the right decision when you spoke to your friend.

Have you considered talking to your GP for support, someone to talk to and may be consider Counselling. Sue Ryder offer a free Online Bereavement Counselling Service.

You can start by registering for our waiting list and then you will be invited for an assessment.

Alternatively, you can contact Cruse Bereavement Support who offer support groups through their local services.

If we can be of further help or you require more information please email online.community@sueryder.org.

Please take care and continue to reach out.
