Just lost my mum

2 weeks ago my mum has passed after finding out pancreatic cancer 5 weeks ago. I cant stop thinking about it. She was 66 feel she was too young for this. Love her so much


Im soo sorry, my heart breaks for you :broken_heart:…sending love and hugs xxx

I’m so sorry for your loss and my heart goes out to you having to deal with the shock of such a short illness. You’re right, your Mum was too young for this and its not at all fair. I hope you have friends and family who can help you during this time. Can you speak to your GP and see if you can get some grief counselling to help you in the days ahead? The love for your Mum will always be with you and I’m sure she’d be so proud of the love you both shared

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Im so sorry, sending you my sincere condolences. Its so hard to come to terms with a sudden short illness. My mum died 4 weeks ago after a sudden short illness. Im still processing everything that she went through, its very hard. Sending you gentle hugs

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Hi all,
My mom was only 64 when she died of brain tumors, 3 years this April, her birthday would of been last week, & with mother’s Day coming up, I’m in bits, keep having crying fits, going through a really bad time right now, I miss my mom.
So sorry to hear of all of your losses, sending hugs of support.