Just lost

Feel so lost, especially certain times of day, ie 3.00pm - 5.00pm. Really must make effort to go for a walk, but it is so difficult just now, wonder if this will get better in summer months. But, so lost & don’t want to keep ‘buzzing’ my friends - thank you


Sending a virtual hug. Grief is horrendous.

You’re not alone.


Early evening does seem to be a difficult time for many of us, particularly at this time of the year. To a large extent its probably due to the lack of sunlight causing low vitamin d levels. Its called seasonally affective disorder. You might care to google SAD.
The good news is that I went for a walk today in sunshine. The birds were singing again, and Spring is around the corner. That cheered me up a lot! Apart from one of my dogs rolling in a dead hedgehog! Can’t have everything!


Thank you, huge hugs back …

Oh my word, but yes, sunshine does help​:sunny::+1:. Take care x

The cat’s cute face cheers me up. She adopted us just after mum died. She was a stray living in our garden. I think mum gave her a nudge to us


Hmm how ironic, I do feel so lost around 3-5 pm too - not sure why these hours so I try to go out in the afternoon if not at work - while at work I seem to lose my focus during this time :frowning:
Take care x

I feel lost most of the time and my husband died 18 months ago after being together married for 54 years. In wake at 3 am or sometimes before and the memories just haunt me of how our lives were and how we stuck together through every trial and tribulation of family life of which at times there were many but he always said " as long as we have each other we will be alright." But now he’s not here and we don’t have each other and I find it all dreadful even though I have 2 sons and their families but they do not really understand the tremendous loss and overwhelming grief.