Just when I thought things were on the up...

I haven’t been here for a long while. Tom died 2.5 years ago and I had thought I was on the up, through the worst, on my way to a new life.

I bought my new house last November and started a new relationship around the same time. But, the day I moved in, I broke my foot. That sense of restart, of being in control, of being on the cusp of something really good, snatched away just as I thought I was crossing the finishing line of grief.

Ha! Hubris, right? So I have been forced into patience these past 7 months, into limping, then into plaster and now, an Aircast walking boot. 2 crutches have been my constant companions.

Most recently, I have sat in the same chair, in the same place, for the past 7 weeks and counting. I couldn’t put weight on the foot and had to have it raised all the time.

So, from this throne, I have directed deliveries of furniture bought online (mostly hits, a few misses) and watched in dismay as contractors have messed up jobs around the house with depressing frequency. I have said “I wish Tom was here” a thousand times and more. It has been, my friends, a total bug/r.

What I have realised in my period of forced patience and zero weight-bearing, is a bunch of stuff that I thought I would share, in case a granule or two of these life lessons will help someone.

Ok - so first up is - there ain’t no finish line to grief. Grief is not a race or a chore to be done, with a definitive end point. No, grief is a constant companion, there to teach, to heal, to sting, to remind us of those we loved, who we were, who we are now. It’s hard.

Second - uncertainty trumps control. It does. I have been a control freak all my life - and now, after my foot - I have had to cede that. I can’t control everything and that uncertainty is the only certainty. That one was one big dose to swallow.

Third - a new relationship, with or without a broken foot, is not an easy thing. It is not the same. It is with a new person, with different contours, different ways and means.

There is joy here but a slower pace, a different kind of communication - not as I once had with Tom, which was a constant ripple, like how a mountain stream flows along - but rather a learning, a getting to know and understand someone from scratch, with all the misunderstandings and surprises that entails.

When we have been in loving, established relationships where we know our beloved so deeply, it is easy to think it is possible to have all that again quickly with another. It isn’t - at least - it hasn’t been for me. It takes time, it takes work, it takes patience - yet the underlying magic is still there. This magic, like seeds, needs time to take root in deep earth, in good, healthy, generous soil, and then to grow. I have had to check myself more than once, and think of earth’s time, not mine.

So, I am still here, in my chair, with my poor old foot in a boot - but now I am planning things to do next month and beyond, in the hope that I will be up and running again. But I will be carrying my hard won lessons with me as I go - for sure, life’s more certain with them!

Hold tight, everyone, and let’s be careful out there xx


Thank you. It’s good to know that you have found some joy. It’s what we all want. Right now I would settle for some peace but it’s only three weeks for me.
I hope your foot gets better soon and that you can continue making plans. I hope everything goes just the way you want it to. You deserve it, we all do.


@Vancouver your words were always so helpful and they are again. It’s good to hear from you.

Hope your foot recovers and your relationship continues to develop


It’s good to be in touch again, @Paddy53 - thank you for your words and your best wishes - I really appreciate your encouragement. I hope all is well with you and that you are getting through ok x


It’s 9 weeks for me since my husband had sudden heart attack at home age 65, I am 56, I keep thinking well this is the 9th weekend I have had now 10 if I count the weekend in icu , I would like to say things are better , but it’s not ! I realise it’s “Different “ and it’s always going to be different it’s just how we deal with “different “ isn’t it ! X


i found yr words so uplifting,
i lost my husband over 6 years & found it very hard, but we have no choice but to live a life without them.
I would love 2 hear how u r getting on & good luck u found love again.
U should write a book about grief. Xx



Thank you for your very kind words - I really appreciate your note here. I read a really good article on grief recently and will post more on this in due course. I hope you are ok today and that your husband’s love remains near to you, as, luckily, Tom’s does for me.

Today is a bit of thing as I am going to my new fellow’s friends’ party - so lots of people there. Most people will be discreetly craning their necks to see “the new woman” - they all knew his lovely wife so well, so it’s time to be brave for me. It is complicated by the fact that it is outside, in a field, likely to be raining and I am on two crutches still… Never mind getting stilettos caught in the grass, I risk falling flat on my face into a cowpat… Hey ho! Got to come up smiling and going with it all, knowing how lucky I am to have another shot at love.

I will let you know how it all goes - in the meantime, my love to you Pauline and to everyone here trying to navigate the way through life after love and loss xx


Vancouver u sound great fun go & enjoy yr day.

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Hi Vancouver, it’s been a long time since I’ve been on here (18 months now since she went), it’s really nice to hear you are getting your life back on track, even if it is a different one. My life has been completely turned around & not really in a good way; I had to get a new job & that is full of drama & struggles. I’ve found some lovely people there but unfortunately the main boss seems to have taken a disliking to me, for what reason I do not know as I get on with the other 40+ people there, but she’s relentless. I’ve been trying to heal myself because one states you’ve got to do that first to move on but finding this very hard as I hardly have any time to myself anymore & I go from one drama to the other it seems! Was lovely seeing your name come up on here again after so long.
Best wishes Emma :heart::heart:


I have been thinking of you and wondering how life is going. These curves in the road are a real pain (literally in your case).
Im glad your relationship is still going strong. I had this conversation with a friend about a future relationship. The idea is nice, the reality of starting again is not, fast forward me to 10 years in, where you’re at the comfortable stage, knowing everything about each other and all that you need to know :laughing:.

I hope your foot will heal soon and life can carry on and keep improving.

For me, life is ok, still taking it a day at a time but its all good x

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My dear @Emz,
Thank you for writing - it is good to hear from you, too. The odd thing about healing is that it kind of happens in the background, in the back channels of life. You may not thing you are, but I am sure it is the case as you re-root and re-route your life as it is now.

Here’s an example around my poor old left foot. I have been on crutches, in a walking boot for what seems like forever now - it is actually about 8 weeks. Inside my foot, all this time, my bones have been quietly going about their business of healing, even though it hasn’t been obvious at all. I had my 12 week xray on Saturday and saw the images with the surgeon. The nails and plate to secure the bone hideously visible there but doing their job brilliantly. The bone has no sign of any fractures and is humming away, making and knitting in new bone to fill the fracture lines and mould around the hardware. I had no knowledge of this secret healing.

I am sure it is the same for you - and the fact you are dealing with this piece of work boss, shows you are stronger than you may think. If her toxicity to you is clear to you, then it will be clear to others. Keep a record and your head down for now - it is likely her behaviour will be her undoing in time.

I am now “weaning” out of the walking boot. No more need of crutches in the house so I am, like all of us on here in our different ways, hobbling, limping, hopping, walking back to happiness.

Hang on today, my dear Emz and everyone out there in Sue Ryder-land. Somewhere, out of sight but not out of mind, our loved ones are cheering us on, proud of us beyond measure and loving us in to our new realities. That is what unconditional love is all about and we love them, and they us, in huge unconditional buckets-full. xx


Hello there! I have missed you on here - I am so glad to hear your voice again through here. Life can be such a tangle - and grief seems to come in and make things even more difficult, muddled and almost impossible to unravel. The grieving process kind of forces us to stop, pick a thread and try to pull it clear, to get to the end of its tangle, resolve it, and then start on another. I have come a long way with my muddles but more to do, for sure!

I am heading into London for a chat with my Boss today - only the 2nd trip to town in 3 months and this time, only 1 crutch is coming! Here’s hoping it will be ok.

Have a great week, my friend and keep walking forward :slight_smile: