Keeping going

How do people do it. I assumed I would die when my husband did because we had never been apart in nearly 42 years. Our adult children asked me to live for their sakes and I am trying as hard as I can but it is the hardest thing. My elderly parents have been unkind. After just a few weeks they said I should be better. Now they want me to go and look after my mother. I worry that I am leaning too heavily on my children. I just don’t know how people keep going.

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Hi Sharon, I’m so sorry about your husband and also to hear about your parents reaction, as you have been finding, there is no end to grief, you eventually learn to live with it and get on with your life, but it doesn’t go away, have you thought about counselling, Sue Ryder offer a counselling service and this might help you, sending love Jude xx

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Have found this group really helpful so wanted to share something positive. I managed a journey of two buses and a train yesterday. May not sound like much to most but for some one not used to traveling alone it felt like an achievement. 21 weeks into this new world and having a bearable day. I know there may be a backlash but trying to make the most of this feeling.


Hi Sharon, just you keep going and be proud of yourself.:clap::clap::clap:. Well done Sxx

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