Last night together

I have just returned home from a visit to my daughters and as we were travelling back it hit me that a year ago tonight is the last night that I shared a meal and shared my bed with my soulmate, tomorrow is 12 months since he had his heart attack and a week before he passed away. The pain is still here, my heart is still broken but I have survived. I have changed my life to be able to move forward. The shock of his sudden death remains, at times I still can’t believe I will never see him again but with the help of my family and friends I have gone through this first year and I know that I will carry on moving forward. I will never fully recover but I also know that he would want me to enjoy my life until it is my time to join him again


Hi @Annde,

This is really nice to hear - thank you for sharing it with us :blue_heart:

Take good care,


Thank you @Alex it’s been a struggle at times but I feel I am getting through

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