Last words I remember

[Name redacted] knew something wasn’t right with her, she was experiencing bleeding from the bum. I wasn’t nearby, could only speak to her by phone. I said to her “Go to the doctor!” but she detested visiting doctors and hospitals, and said to me and another friend; if it wasn’t right she would go to the doctor on the Monday.

Monday didn’t arrive… She had a sudden heart attack caused by a clot arising from the internal bleeding.

The last words I remember from her, over the phone, in a small voice, were “[my name redacted] can you come? I’m scared…”

I said: “No, mate, I have to work tomorrow” and she answered in an equally small voice “I understand”.

Two-three days later when her phone no longer answered, I went there physically and with the help of police, broke in and found her.

It’s called “survivor’s guilt” of course I can never forget those last conversations. Nor when I had to call friends and family to explain what had happened. I did what was necessary after that.

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Dear @mercurymerlin

I apologise that no one has replied to you sooner. Thank you for sharing such a personal post.

There is a website called betterhelp that may be of help to you which has information on first steps towards overcoming survivor’s guilt. It would be worth reading.

There are quite a few websites on the internet as to Survivor’s Guilt. All you need to do is type in “how to deal with survivor’s guilt” in the search bar.

I do hope all this will help you. Please continue to reach out and take care.


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