Tried to leave the house yesterday- felt so strange like I wasn’t in my body and I needed support from my dad to come with me.
It’s been just over two weeks since I lost my partner of three years. We had lived together for a short time.
Today I need to go out again but it just feels impossible and like it’s not “real”. The worlds moving on fast and I’m feeling the expectation to get back to work and my life but how?
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Take one day at a time , it will come eventually,it took me 3 months to go back to work, apart from that, I don’t go very far, maybe just down the road to the shops.
You will know when you are ready.
Sending you hugs
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Just take things a day ( or even an hour ) at a time. It’s such early days and everything is raw. I am 10 weeks in and can still feel overwhelmed in the supermarket. I remember having to go into town after a couple of weeks and I felt like I was in another world and not connected to anyone else. - as if I was watching everyone else but not part of it.
Just do what you have to do and no more. The fact you have found this site is a positive step. It’s been a lifeline for me. You can say whatever you feel and no one judges you. It’s the place where people genuinely understand.
I am due to go back to work in the next couple of weeks ( I’m partially retired so nothing arduous). Not sure if it’s the right thing, but think it may be a distraction from this constant pit of despair and grief.
Sending love and strength xx
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Thank you that’s exactly how it feels thanks for putting it in better words yes it’s like I’m watching other people and not really there. Thank you I hope it gets easier for you xxx
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Hi @Lostmyperson
I’m so sorry for your loss
Its very early days for you. I’m not going to say the pain will go away but eventually you will learn to cope.
It’s a long arduous journey you’ve started on. It’s like being on a rollercoaster, constantly up and down.
Here on this site you will find plenty of support and everybody understands. We’re all on the same ride. And we’re all here to listen and help each other.
And it does help.
You are not alone, we are here
Sending big hugs Liz x
Thankyou, so very true.
I’ll try to take it on board
Thanks everyone this is such a helpful community. I feel more normal in public now- I am using headphones though and sat having a coffee because I had to go and finally get a few bits.
Who knows how I will feel tommorow and the day after but for today it’s a small improvement.
I love positive posts now and then. It’s lovely to have a sympathetic response when you’re feeling down, but just as important to get encouragement sometimes.
Thank you. Xx
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