Leaving them behind

My mum passed away last year, my dad 3 yrs before. I took my little family to the caravan that they owned last week and it was heartbreaking. They seemed to be there in every part of it more so than at home. It was their retreat, my mums more than anything. Coming home was so hard. To add to this my partner and i have finally decided to make the plunge and move in together on base to be a family full time. This means leaving where i have grown up. I really want to make this move but its also breaking my heart doing it without their support and feels like I’m leaving them behind. Its killing me tonight and ive done nothing but cry since my partner went back to base.

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Aw don’t rush into anything. Take your time x

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So its been a year in the process but we’ve finally got a house on base and moving in 5wks. I’m distraught. I know its for the best but i cant help feeling that i am leaving everything. That it will be the last time i see my childhood home. I already feel like im losing memories of my mum and dad and now im leaving it all behind. My little boy isnt the greatest at bed time currently and all i want to do is talk to my mum but shes not here. Im heartbroken and noone understands

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You need to tell your partner how you feel. He will understand. Its a big thing moving somewhere new and leaving your past behind xx

I understand how you feel and i’m sure I’d feel the same. You are not leaving them behind though. Try and think that you are carrying them and all of your memories with you, wherever you go. Your childhood memories will become a part of your new memories. The memories lie within you. It might help to create an area in your new home with pictures of lost loved ones, a candle to light for them and some flowers if you like. Talk to them. In your heart you know what they would say.
I know this is all easier said than done. Maybe I should take my own advise. I lost my mum in January and I am still struggling to accept this. I return to work next month but have been reluctant to go back because I felt doing so would be leaving mum behind. I know this is different to your moving house but I feel I can understand what you mean.
I hope your move goes ok and that you are able to settle and make some new memories. Take care x