Let down.

2 weeks after Joan died I took £400 collected at her funeral to the local hospice ,Douglas Macmillan, when I payed the money in I asked if they did bereavement counselling, I was in a bad way, they said that they did and told me to sit down while they got someone to me. A young lady came and took me to a room and asked me about Joans death, I told her the details of how Joan went for a bath and didn’t come out alive and how I tried to revive her and failed.
The young lady listened for 15 minutes and said how sorry she was for me but because Joan did not die in the hospice I was not entitled to have counselling there.
I believe she was just checking that I was not suicidal and would not walk out of the hospice and jump under the first bus to come along. Let down by people who are supposed to care !!!


Hi, I think it must differ between hospices, my husband didn’t die in a hospice but I was able to access bereavement counselling at my local hospice, does make you feel let down when you’ve made a generous donation but they wouldn’t help you? Does make you feel let down.

Have you had counselling? You could try the sue ryder Bereavment counselling?

Would it help to think your wife didn’t die alone? She was at home with you in the home that you both shared, often there isn’t time to say goodbye & how do you do that anyway?


Oh dear!! How unfortunate you had such an experience. Luckily you seem to have found your place onsite. But I personally would maybe go back to the hospice & relay your experience. Not a pamphlet or anything given as to where you might get the support you need?? When you are up to it maybe go back to them. Explain & recommend there is a change in this practice. It could potentially prevent others from this experience. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I find I am generally let down by others. It is disappointing when we do not get the live & kindness we deserve :ribbon:


I don’t think there is much support anywhere. My partner died by suicide , it was a massive shock and we were just left to deal with it , no office support worker or anything- luckily I have a lovely family who have been by my side and we arranged our own support through windmills for my child , I honestly don’t know how we got through but everyday is a hard , tiring struggle but we’re trying not put to much pressure in ourselves and taking one day at a time


There’s something very wrong with how we deal with bereavement in this country, when Joan died the police arrived 15 minutes before the ambulance, 2 coppers at first then another who I think was a investigator to check that there was no foul play, then the ambulance people, who could do nothing. The coroners guy then arrived and took Joan away.
I was then left with Joans relatives, some I hadn’t seen for years, and my stepson, when the relatives had gone we were left alone.
How is it right that my loved one is just loaded in a van and taken away, never to be seen again, with no form of support or advice for the people left behind ?


My husband passed away 13 hours after going into the local hospice for pain relief. I have rang for counselling, but they say that they will offer it once I am another month into his passing. I am on week 12 now. And only offer to anyone that passed away at the hospice otherwise you need a GP referral. They have advised a drop in group that I can go too whilst I wait.