letters to each other

in march 1998 Jayne and I had been a couple for 8 years,Jayne had signed the contract for our little house.it was the first week away as Jaynes company had moved to Aylesbury.id been to the house doing a little painting had sanded all the doors down ,some I had to plane some off as the doors wouldn’t close .and put new hinges on the ones were if you leave the door open it closes to.these are the letters we sent to each other that very first week apart.at this time Jayne worked away from Monday till Thursday evening,and was staying in an hotel.
Sandra if you read this im thinking of adding these to my service and again thank you very much for your help.

please excuse my hand writing,i should of been a doctor lol

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Ian, it is so nice that you have kept these letters that you sent to each other all those years ago. Brian and I had no need to send letters to each other but we always wrote a loving message to each other on cards and I fortunately have all these and those silly, loving messages. Brian would write a poem which could either be very soppy or amusing. I sit on the floor and read them. I also found some text on my phone that he sent just before he died. They are so precious as I never text and didn’t know they was there until he passed.
Take care
Pat xx

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I have letters written in the very early days of just meeting and then special ones when my husband moved to England to work and had to wait 6 months before I could join him with our first born, such a hard time for him making do with weekends, and when we were reunited as a family again, it was truly perfect :blue_heart:

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I’ve still got all Clive’s texts, although they’re on old phones so I have to make a special effort to charge them up when I want to read them. And, yes, the silly little messages and in jokes on cards that make me cry when I read them now, but I’m hoping that they’ll makes me smile one day.

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thank you Pat.
it was only the first week,we didn’t need send letters again ,as I could use the house phone to ring Jayne every night and check she was ok.
in the hotel were Jayne was staying .was from Monday till Thursday.
think I told you I got all the phones Jaynes ever had and taken every single message and copied them to one drive I occasionally read them but loads bring tears to my eyes especially the last few from the hospital.
warm regards
ian xx

damn it Sandra having to wait 6 months,shows you loved each other loads
and no doubt were over the moon when you was reunited as a family .
regard ian x

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you should copy them and store them on your laptop in cloud or one drive.
thats what ive done with all of Jaynes.

HI ,
I sent his old texts to my phone again so I could read them when I wanted to. If his phone is still in use could you do this? They are comforting. Sadme

if you have old texts and the lead that charges said mobile,just connect the USB to you laptop
as well as connecting to you mobile and then you can save them on your laptop.

Thanks for that Ian. I found text from Brian just after he died, telling me how much he loved me and thanking me for looking after him. He must have done them in his last weeks. I don’t text and never knew they was there, so now they are precious to me.
Pat xxx

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your welcome Pat
glad to help
warm regards ian xx

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This is good advice. I wash’t with my husband when he passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in hospital. Fortunately I have his last texts to me and my replies. Last Friday I had a problem with my phone and thought I had lost them. Panic! I went to Carphone warehouse and a very kind young man sorted it for me and even brought me tissues because I was crying so much. So I will make sure I save these precious messages for the future.

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9 posts were split to a new topic: Letters from my dad