letting people down

I’ve very recently just had a miscarriage and I’m finding it so hard to deal with . I thought I was getting better over the last few days but I went drinking last night and eveything came back again

I think my boyfriend is better off without me because I feel like I’m dragging him down. I’m feeling so much pressure about loosing and starting again because even though I know these things happen , it was still my body who lost the baby .
I don’t really want to leave him but I’m not sure what else to do because I just feel like I ruin eveything lately .

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Dear @Star2

Welcome to the Community. I am sorry to read about your recent miscarriage. Your emotions and thoughts are all over the place understandably and now is not a good time to make any decisions. You need someone to talk to and I would like to guide you to the following organisations for support and help.

Miscarriage Association
They do have a helpline number on 01924 200799 along with a Live Chat. If you are on social media they do have a Facebook page you can join.

Sands offers support to anyone who has been affected by the death of a baby before, during or shortly after birth. They do have a helpline on 0808 164 3332.

In the search topics if you type in Miscarriage you will be connected with other members who have experienced the same loss as yourself. I hope this will be of help and support to you.

Take care.

thank u so much

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You are welcome. Take care of yourself. We are here for you also.

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Dear Star, please talk with the people at the miscarriage association, I used to be one of the people to phone, it’s really good to talk with someone who really knows what you are going through. It is very common to not really be able to talk with your partner about this, it really helps to have your feelings validated, often family and people around you can’t acknowledge the loss you are feeling please do this, don’t push your partner away, but look for support as I said, I’m so sorry, I have been there and it is a hard lonely place, a kind of hidden bereavement, very best wishes